AI communication in the workplace

Communication is integral to any business: from management to client relationships. And though to some companies, it’s just a matter of improving team productivity, AI-powered tools can help directly influence the bottom line.

Whether through virtual assistants, chatbots, or advanced machine learning algorithms, AI is changing the face of communication in the workplace for the better.

In this article, we explore how artificial Intelligence can improve workplace communications and share exciting AI communication tools.

AI for better communication

Communication is, at the same time, a human factor bottleneck and a vital ingredient for any business. 

AI can help with both: from routine tasks and team collaboration to the luxuries we didn’t know we needed. 

And, because we believe in practical advice, here are some hand-picked AI startups your business can use today.

AI for better customer experience

Going beyond internal processes, automation, and algorithms can elevate your customer service and positively impact your bottom line.

You have probably heard about chatbots, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg!

For example, SentiSum’s algorithm can automatically recognize the tone and issue and reroute it to a specialist. AI can help customer support specialists quickly find relevant information and similar threads or propose answers.

  • Adjust your sales pitch
    Language AI companies can analyze your sales pitch and give you crucial feedback and points for improvement. 

Gong, the current market leader, can analyze the time a salesperson talks (versus listens), the longest customer story, the salesperson’s patience, the dialogue interactivity, and other crucial elements of the sales dialogue.

All that information can help businesses quickly capture insights about their sales and market performance and get actionable steps for growth.


Challenges with implementing AI for communication

But before you sign up to AI-fy every business process, remember that human factor again. 

As with any tool, it’s only as good as its integration into the processes. AI can significantly improve team communication and efficiency, but it has to become part of organizational culture.

Deloitte reports that one of the biggest challenges businesses face in adopting AI solutions is to drive its adoption within their companies.

To make sure you get the most out of the AI revolution, follow the advice of Deloitte:

  1. Invest in culture and leadership
    Since people are still at the core of any success story, it’s up to the leaders to shape how we make the most of the hybrid between humans and AI.
  2. Transform operations
    How we work is changing, and we must revise our workflows to make the most of the AI capabilities.
  3. Orchestrate tech and talent
    The hybrid model requires new roles, new competencies, and a new approach. So leaders have to reexamine both the managing and the hiring practices.
  4. Select use cases that accelerate value
    Finally, remember that implementing new processes requires resources. Choose wisely where to invest, so your business can benefit both short- and long-term.


The Future of AI and Communication in the Workplace

As AI continues to evolve, it’s clear that it will continue to play a critical role in shaping the future of communication in the workplace. 

In the coming years, we expect to see even more advanced virtual assistants, chatbots, and new technologies that integrate AI into other communication platforms, such as video conferencing and project management tools.

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