We have seen how artificial intelligence ( AI )  is now helping talents make attractive CVs for their job application process. However, recruiters are also in turn using artificial intelligence to create the most attractive job descriptions. Want to know how to use AI to make your job descriptions? Keep reading and learn how to take advantage of these amazing tools!

How can AI produce a better job description? 

In a variety of ways, artificial intelligence (AI) can assist recruiters in creating more appealing job descriptions. Here are a couple of examples:

Generating job descriptions

AI is also capable of creating new job descriptions. The system can develop thorough job descriptions that contain all relevant information and are customized to draw in the best candidates by assessing job requirements and other data.

1. Job posting analysis

AI can examine previous job postings to identify language patterns that have been successful in attracting qualified candidates. The system can then suggest similar phrases or words in future job descriptions that are likely to be effective.

2.  Identifying relevant skills and qualifications

Artificial intelligence can analyze job requirements and identify the skills, qualifications, and experience required for a specific position. This can assist recruiters in creating more accurate and comprehensive job descriptions, which can attract the right candidates.

3. Removing Unconscious Bias

AI has the ability to eliminate unconscious bias from job descriptions. AI can assist recruiters in writing job descriptions that are more inclusive and objective by analyzing language trends and highlighting terms or phrases that are linked to gender, age, or race.

4. Enhancing readability

 AI may evaluate the readability of job descriptions and give suggestions for modifications that will make them easier for a wider range of applicants to understand. Using straightforward language, eliminating jargon, and simplifying difficult statements are a few examples of how to do this.


Why should I use AI to help me improve my job descriptions?

Peer reviews require people to take the time to read through other people’s texts for a job opening. At any time, AI tools can analyze job descriptions and provide feedback and recommendations on how to make them more effective, appealing, and inclusive. This can assist you in attracting more qualified candidates as well as creating a more diverse candidate pool.

Creating job descriptions can be a tedious job and can require a lot of resources from recruiters and other departments. For recruiters, AI can help in several of the tasks involved in writing job descriptions, such as evaluating linguistic patterns, determining pertinent job titles, and finding candidates, which can be automated with AI techniques. 

By doing this, you can save time and money and concentrate on other areas of the hiring process.

Hidden bias in job descriptions, such as gender or age bias, is easily overlooked by recruiters. Some AI tools use a massive database of data to better understand and identify hidden biases. This can assist you in writing more inclusive job descriptions that will appeal to a broader range of candidates.


What AI tools are out there to make my job descriptions better?

There are various AI technologies available that can assist in improving a job description and outlining the distinctive features of each piece of software. Each tool has its unique focus to create the best possible job description for your job openings. 


Textio – helps avoid your biases


Textio is a writing tool with artificial intelligence (AI) that examines job descriptions to spot gendered phrasing and other prejudices. It makes adjustments to the language to make it more palatable to a wider range of candidates.

Why we recommend textio

 What makes Textio so unique is that it gives a comprehensive look into a text’s hidden bias. This gives recruiters the ability to adjust the tone to a variety of parameters. 


Joblint – visuals on point


Joblint is an open-source and free-to-use application that assesses the readability, accessibility, and diversity of job descriptions. It points out any terminology that would disqualify particular candidates and makes suggestions for improvements to the job description as a whole. 

Why we recommend Joblint

What makes joblint a unique tool for your job descriptions is its free accessibility and easy-to-use interface. With just a few clicks you can get an effective analysis of improvements to your job description.


SeekOut – it’s all about connecting


SeekOut is a recruitment tool using AI that aids in finding and connecting with qualified job prospects. To examine job descriptions and determine the essential skills and credentials required for a certain position, it uses machine learning and natural language processing algorithms.

Why we recommend SeekOut

What makes SeekOut stand out from the rest is it combines talent acquisition, management, and analytics – all in one. It uses data-driven insights to find even the hard-to-find talents. So if you are looking for something a bit more than just attractive job descriptions, SeekOut is the talent management platform for your business. 


Fetcher​​​​ – automises the acquisition process with a human touch


Fetcher is an industry-renowned AI recruiting tool to help recruiters manage their pipeline of talent in a time-efficient manner. Fetcher uses AI to develop job descriptions to fit your company’s language, attitude, and mission. In addition, fetcher makes sure that job descriptions are presented effectively to their profession’s intended audience.

Why we recommend Fetcher

This tool by Fetcher is one of the most advanced in the industry. Along with creating the most effective job descriptions, their platform also uses AI to automate the acquisition process while still keeping the human touch where it’s needed. This in turn, allows recruiters to focus more time on what is important, the talents themselves. 


What do our HR experts think of this technology and if businesses should use it?

” Conventional recruiting is often associated with time-consuming and manual processes. With the help of modern technologies and AI, we can process high volumes of data in a short amount of time and work more efficiently by automating HR activities that required a high amount of resources before – no matter if it’s sending out e-mails, scheduling an interview or creating job ads.

I personally don’t see AI as a substitute to my job, but more as a supplement that helps me to focus more on what is really important: the people ”

Carolin Kobierski, Junior HR Consultant


AI is assisting many fields in multiple ways. Even job seekers are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT to help them create appealing resumes! People are a recruiter’s superpower, and AI can help them focus their time and effort on what really matters – the talent!

Allowing AI to create more appealing job descriptions improves your company’s image and helps you stand out from the masses. In addition, it provides more opportunities for your recruiters to attract the right people. When will you start using AI?

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